Thursday 14 February 2008

My Valentine's Day celebration (Ma version du Saint Valentin!)

"Let's build a strong foundation for a better future"

While all around the world people seem quite "busy" organizing or enjoying the Valentine's day, I was thinking about the best way, my own way, of celebrating it!

Saint Valentine's Day has to be the celebration of love between people! Being a Rwandan, I come to realize that my (Own) Best Way of celebrating this day, is to share with brothers, sisters and friends the responsibility we have over today for a better future.

Sometimes back (last year August-September 2007), I got an opportunity to represent my motherland abroad during an international conference! I would say that before that I was aware of the situation we were in, vis a vis the external world, but NOT the perfect picture and the PERFECT responsibility that is upon us! People I met who knew about Rwanda, most of them that was through books, TV news, or movies about the Rwandan genocide. So, you may guess the kind of questions I was being asked there... BUT this helps me knowing well how much work we have to do in order to change this, NOT the history but the future by building the present on strong foundation!

This is my Valentine's day celebration, thinking about the "Love to my motherland-Rwanda and even Africa"! Am saying this because the image we are giving most of the time is not the one giving the REAL HOPE!!

Why of this? Aren't we tired of this situation? Aren't we sad and even ashamed to see that the young generation, to make the difference is the one involved in these destruction activities; to see that we are behaving as unconcerned by the political, social, economic... problems that our countries are facing... because whatever we may be saying while lying ourselves, the consequences come to all of us!!

So, let's contribute towards a BETTER future and I am really convinced that nobody would wish for his/her children to pass through what we know because the history doesn't look appear good, but the least we can do, even though we have no power over the past, we can change the future while starting from now, we can change our destiny, we can prevent the history to repeat itself... so there is something to do!

And I think and am convinced that Rwanda, Africa and the world in general have the beauty to pass time building for and working towards...
There is a lot to worry about and very important for our countries and us in general!!!

At least we have these few people who will be doing the little they can but the results will be visible and I don't think any Rwandese or African or anybody else logical can allow these "Peas-brain" or "Low-minded" People destroy our future!!

Tuesday 12 February 2008

A New Lady has come..

Here she is: Yvette (Her Excellence from now on), the author, Vincent (a Belgian friend of Rwanda) and Peace another amazing lady!

(2nd Picture) At the 1st line: Sam (the author), Her Excellence Yvette and Phiona (a friend and the University Students' representative for gender and equality), at the 2nd line: Paul and Kevin, just after the election ...

Congrats Ma Dear!!

She is great, she is mature, committed,... she has the potential, in brief she is amazing!

Am talking about an Amazing lady who is to lead the AIESEC in Rwanda for the term 2008-09! Rwanda is among the countries known for encouraging women to contribute to their countries' development by being involved in various activities from the businesses start-up to the various political and decision making positions!

Now, it is the time for AIESEC in Rwanda to show to show the same picture that Female-AIESECers are able and trusted! She was voted at 100% by members and this means something! Members have recognized her abilities but also most of all they do believe in the future, in the expansion and in their development besides her!

Leading a University Youth international organization is a challenge but at the same time an opportunity to use these hidden potentials and capabilities we do have unexploited! This is why I would like to dedicate this Quote by the former South African President Nelson Mandela "The Greatest Glory lies not in in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" to her! We are there.

Congrats my Dear!


Thursday 7 February 2008

ça fait reflechir...

Les Philosophes d'antan étaient parfois pris comme des fous! Et même aujourd'hui, quelqu'un qui se comporte bizarremenent est surnommé un Philosophe par ces-mêmes gens qui n'en savent rien des Philosophes! Dans les lignes à suivre vous verrez que les conseils qu'ils prodiguaient étaient pleins de sagesse......

Et bien les amis prennez votre temps et lisez ça! Bien sūr ça nous évite des betises et nous aide à reflechir! Ça diminue les emmerdements ....

Socrate avait, dans la Grèce antique, une haute opinion de la sagesse. Quelqu'un vient un jour trouver le grand philosophe et lui dit :

"Sais-tu ce que je viens d'apprendre sur ton ami?

- Un instant, répondit Socrate. Avant que tu me racontes, j'aimerais te faire passer un test, celui des 3 passoires :

- Les 3 passoires?

Mais oui, reprit Socrate. Avant de me raconter toutes sortes de choses de choses sur les autres, il est bon de prendre le temps de filtrer ce que l'on aimerait dire.

C'est ce que j'appelle le test des 3 passoires. La première passoire est celle de la vérité. As-tu vérifié si ce que tu veux me dire est vrai?

- Non. J'en ai simplement entendu parler...

- Très bien. Tu ne sais donc pas si c'est la vérité.

Essayons de filtrer autrement en utilisant une deuxième passoire, celle de la bonté. Ce que tu veux m'apprendre sur mon ami, est-ce quelque chose de bon ?

- Ah non ! Au contraire.

- Donc, continua Socrate, tu veux me raconter de mauvaises choses sur lui et tu n'es même pas certain si elles sont vraies. Tu peux peut-être encore passer le test, car il reste une passoire, celle de l'utilité. Est-il utile que tu m'apprennes ce que mon ami aurait fait ?

- Non. Pas vraiment.

Alors, conclut Socrate, si ce que tu as à me raconter n'est ni vrai, ni bien, ni utile, pourquoi vouloir me le dire ?"

Qu'est ce que vous en dites?


Pour apprendre la valeur d'une année, demande à l'étudiant qui a raté un examen.

Pour apprendre la valeur d'un mois, demande à la mère qui a mis un enfant au monde trop tôt.

Pour apprendre la valeur d'une semaine, demande à l'éditeur d'un journal hebdomadaire.

Pour apprendre la valeur d'une heure, demande aux fiancés qui attendent de se revoir.

Pour apprendre la valeur d'une minute, demande à celui qui a raté son train, son bus ou son avion.

Pour apprendre la valeur d'une seconde, demande à celui qui a perdu quelqu'un dans un accident.

Pour apprendre la valeur d'une milliseconde, demande à celui qui a gagné une médaille d'argent aux Jeux Olympiques.

Le temps n'attend personne. Rassemble chaque instant qu'il te reste et il sera de grande valeur.
Partage-les avec une personne
de choix et ils deviendront encore plus précieux.

Source inconnue

It's up to us!!!

"The future depends on what we do today" Mahatma Gandhi

"If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak out/be noisy" Togay Bayatly

When we see what is going on in this world, we feel ashamed and sometimes we lose hope for the future!

In these times, we forget that the Future would equal to Today without our commitment and efforts.

We always find excuses but the question is: Am I really ready to commit myself by taking the first step (the one that really matters?) in order to be seen and heard?

It's up to us as I was saying above and let me end by saying that "The impossible is created by our mind"! Just try out you will be surprised to see yourself moving mountains!!