Saturday 6 December 2008

Change of location ...

Hey Dear friends,

I have been posting my Indian experience to another blog, that I especially dedicated to the same experience. You gonna be connected to it soon ...


1 comment:

LoLu said...

SAM!!!!!!!!!!! You have a blog and you did not tell me?!!! Now im mightly cross with! si what the new addy? Mine is now

It's up to us!!!

"The future depends on what we do today" Mahatma Gandhi

"If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak out/be noisy" Togay Bayatly

When we see what is going on in this world, we feel ashamed and sometimes we lose hope for the future!

In these times, we forget that the Future would equal to Today without our commitment and efforts.

We always find excuses but the question is: Am I really ready to commit myself by taking the first step (the one that really matters?) in order to be seen and heard?

It's up to us as I was saying above and let me end by saying that "The impossible is created by our mind"! Just try out you will be surprised to see yourself moving mountains!!